Annual Meeting
Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce
Small, Medium, and Large Business of the Year
Ambassador of the Year
Volunteer of the Year

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
5:15 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, October 29th, 2024
Wedgewood Cove Golf Club
Reservations will be $75.00 per person or $600 per table.
Reservations can be made here or emailed to
Table Sponsorship:
Showcase your Business and Be Seen! The amazing tables are a highlight of the Annual Meeting. Sponsors decorate a table in any theme they like and include information and promotional items to be given away to the 8 people seated at their table. - At only $150, this unique and sought-after sponsorship opportunity is limited, available on a first come basis, one table per business. - Contact the Chamber for details and to reserve your Table Sponsorship, today! Contact Shari at or 507.373.3938.
(Table sponsorship does not include admission tickets.)
Sponsor Table Set up time is 3:30-5 p.m.
Tuesday October 29, 2024