We encourage all of our member businesses to consider having someone from their business apply to become a Chamber Ambassador. - Ambassadors are the public relations arm of the Chamber. Chamber “Green Coats” work to create an atmosphere of goodwill within our community as the official representatives of the Chamber and our business community. Chamber Ambassadors conduct Ca$h Mobs, ribbon cutting ceremonies, host Business After Hours events, organize the Chamber’s All Member Invitational Golf Outing, our Annual Meeting, and volunteer at multiple other Chamber events throughout the year. Meets: Third Wednesday of each month from 10 - 11 a.m. Weekly member visits.
Allen Hendriks
Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative, GIS TechnicianChamber Board Chair
Chamber Ambassador
Karla Klingenberg
Globe Life: Family Heritage Insurance, Insurance AgentOur plans are really incredible and have helped so many families affected by cancer, heart issues, accidents, broken bones, or premature babies. We...